Animoji Android

Latest Animoji Android

Chatting with friends is the favorite task of all the smart device holders, therefore, chatting option has given so many facilities such as emojis, MMS, picture messaging, etc. Among all of them, emoji is the favorite feature of many. What if I tell you now your emoji set can even move? Cool right? There’s a new stunning feature called Animoji Android for all the Android devices which you can beautify your all the chatting with your pals. Animoji Android is a 3D moving emoji which acts as a cartoon character, so getting this latest cool feature to your favorite Android will be the best thing to make yourself more open up with your friends when chatting.

Animoji Android

What exactly is this Animoji Android?

The word “Ani-Moji” is related to “Animated Emoji” which is called the moving emojis. As you already know animations are the moving pictures or icons and emojis are the smiley faces or different face icons which comes to the Messages field of your smartphone. Animoji Android is a 3D animated emoji comes as a stunning feature to your Android Messages app.

Your Android camera is the super detector of your facial movements to make these Animojis. The camera of your Android device scans your facial movements and creates an Animoji Android which does exactly the same facial movements you made. Smile, wink, lift your eyebrows, or whatever… the Animoji will do exactly the same. And the fascinating point is, you can even add your voice clips to this Animoji Android. If you’re not satisfied with your front facing camera, you can even use the back camera of your device to create these Animojis.

How to create Animoji Android?

It’s just simple as ABC. You just have to download the Animoji Android app from Google Play Store and start creating Animojis. After a number of testing trials, our Animoji app is now available on Google Play store so you can download it to your Android device and start beautifying your chats. Open the app and start recording your facial expressions with a voice clip, you’ll get exactly the same output you made. When creating an Animoji, you can record up to 10 seconds and if you feel like no need for such long recording, you can stop recording in the middle. After creating these amazing Animojis, you can use them for any of your chatting conversations; social media. Messages, or anywhere.

Animoji Android External Sharing

Often used social media are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and often used online chatting apps are WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber, IMO, etc. After creating an Animoji Android the Share button will active there, and if you want to share them with any external social media or chatting app, just tap on Share button > select the relevant app icon where you want to share > and share the created Animoji. Yes, it is that simple to share a created Animoji on an external source.